How I Got Started

by David Nguyen

When I started in affiliate marketing it was around late 2000. I had been reading Allan Gardyne's newsletter ( for a couple of years and found it very interesting, particularly the stories about people earning good income online.

Of course I was skeptical (and you should be too) simply because I didn't have any proof. Allan's articles always piqued my interest but I was not certain that they would work. Some people earn tens of thousands of dollars a month with their web site?

When I fumbled about with it I was lucky to earn a few bucks (literally) on paper. The odd dollar or two here and there. I was mighty frustrated. Particulary when you consider that 90+% of affiliates DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY. And I was one of them.

Why? Because I didn't know how. Everyone goes into this to turn a profit, and those with the right knowledge do.

So how did I learn to make make money with affiliate marketing? Allan had mentioned a free affiliate course in one of his newsletters (I think he does this in each issue but it takes a while for these things to sink in sometimes). All I had to do was send a blank email to it and each day for the next 5 days I would get a long email that spilled the beans on how to do it in a simple and understandable way.

Too good to be true? No, in fact it was a preview of an ebook called Make Your Site Sell. The preview alone was probably 100 pages worth and it really shed some light on the subject. And you don't have to buy a thing (though after reading the preview I bought the book because it was a great value packed with good information).

I got results almost immediately as soon as I began to use the methods described in it. At first I got a few dollars each day. Then I kept at it and within a month I was generating over $100 day for myself in commissions. One month I sold $40,000 worth of computer equipment from one affiliate program alone, and earned 5% on that.

No, this isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. It's about setting up a straightforward, sustainable, and RESPECTABLE business. And affiliate marketing was a great stepping-stone for me to become a partner in a mail order business. I've always wanted to own a mail order business.

So now that I have one, I've started an affiliate program to promote it. Please consider joining my program. However, whatever you do I highly recommend you take a look at MYSS. It's a very informative read and will be well worth your time.

Make Your Site Sell

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